Quantonation organizes the first ever Quantum Hackathon in France
Quantonation, together with Riverlane and divinity, organized on January 27th a Quantum Hackathon at 42, the famous French coding school. More than 80 participants – students of 42, professionals and enthusiasts – gathered on a Sunday to experience the challenges of programming a quantum computer and also realize its power for complex calculations.
The hackathon challenge was framed in a similar fashion to a machine learning classification problem. Participants were given a set of vectors as training data, labelled by either +1 or -1. The vectors each represented a quantum state encoded onto qubits, and the challenge was to learn a quantum circuit that transforms the state to one that gives the correct parity label upon measurement. This problem gave users the opportunity to explore some of the fundamental aspects of quantum computing, using a classical quantum simulator with the Qiskit quantum framework from IBM.
Participants submitted their code using Quantum Collective Knowledge (QCK), a framework developed by dividiti to benchmark existing quantum computing systems, pinpoint the state-of-the-art and forecast future developments.
The results for each team can be found here.
More information on Riverlane’s website and all the challenges and technical details here.
Quantonation’s Jurczak and Amblard going through the day’s schedule and the challenges at the beginning of the Quantum Hackathon.