🚀 Quantum Tech at BPIFrance InnoGeneration
The InnoGeneration event from BPIFrance is the landmark event on innovation in France. It gathered this year more than 50,000 people, with an inspiring conclusion of the day by French President Emmanuel Macron.
A sure sign that Quantum Technologies are now considered mainstream, this year two panels were dedicated to Quantum and both of them included companies in Quantonation’s portfolio: Pasqal and CryptoNext.
The first one was dedicated to Quantum Sensing and telecommunication, moderated by Olivier Ezratty with Bruno Desruelles (Muquans), Georges Reymond (Pasqal), Eleni Diamanti (CNRS, LIP6 à Paris), Sébastien Tanzilli (CNRS, InPhyNi) et Daniel Dolfi (Thalès TRT).
The second one on Quantum & PostQuantum Cryptography featured Christophe Jurczak (Quantonation), with Jean-Charles Faugères (CryptoNext) along with Paula Fortenza (French Deputy in charge of the parliament report on Quantum Tech), Denis Mercier (Supreme Allied Commander at NATO), Olivier Senot (Docaposte). It was moderated by Vincent Pinte-Deregnaucourt.
More details on the day and the French quantum ecosystem in this post in French by French tech blogger Olivier Ezratty.