🚀 2nd edition of Q|C|B Conference by BPIFrance
The 2nd edition of the International « Quantum Computing Business » Conference organized by Bpifrance will take place the 4th of November 2020 as an all-digital event.
To follow, register at : https://evenements.bpifrance.fr/qcb-quantum-computing-business.
This year, the QCB conference will focus on understanding the nature and the potential of new quantum computing technologies breakthrough innovations and their related business opportunities. What is the state of the art of Quantum Computing technologies stacks? What are Quantum Computers good for? What are the recent QC algorithms advances? Is there enough space in the market to build a scalable business focused on practical applications in a research-led industry? Why are research collaborations so critical?
All these questions will be addressed by a unique panel of international speakers (entrepreneurs, corporate managers, investors, researchers and leading experts) through round tables, keynotes and company presentations.
Finally, the conference will be a key occasion to discover the upcoming French Quantum Plan: France will not miss the turning point induced by the emergence of quantum technologies and will significantly support this new ecosystem to lead the second quantum revolution.